Review Lanyards

Instantly see an increase in your reviews with one simple tap

Why Do I Need These?

The easy journey to more reviews - leading to a stronger web presence

The team at kyco want to enable review gathering in the shortest period of time. The days of navigating the web to find the business you want to review are long gone. This is not only time consuming but also off putting.
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kyco Review Lanyards instantly load up the venues review page. Whether that be Google, Tripadvisor or any other platform.

In just one tap or scan, your customer can start leaving their feedback and help you in growing your web presence.
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The more reviews you have, the known your business becomes. Below are just a few ways increasing reviews can help:

- Increases your online visibility and exposure
- Increases brand trust!
- Improves customer experience
- Help you gain a competitive advantage

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